All Inlay Furniture

Ruby Star Traders has been importing striking bone inlay furniture from India since 1996. Working closely with skilled artisans and craftsmen, Ruby Star Traders adapts traditional designs to create pieces that work perfectly in contemporary Australian homes.
Each piece of bone inlay furniture is handmade by traditional artisans in the Udaipur region of India. Every bone shape is carved by hand, and placed carefully on the frame, then the spaces are filled with coloured resin. The resin is mixed by hand, and each batch varies slightly in colour from the last.
It takes three craftsmen about three weeks to complete a typical piece of furniture, so stock is definitely limited. There is also a shortage of craftsmen with the skills to make high quality inlay furniture. Many fear the skill may be lost altogether as the younger generation moves on from their traditional artisan roots, to seek work in the big cities.
A favourite with stylists and interior designers, Ruby Star Traders' bone inlay furniture has been used in many of Australia's most elegant and exciting houses, and features frequently in Australian interior design magazines.
5 products